Illyasviel von Einzbern - Fate Stay Night 2

Sunday, 10 August 2014


so, cosplay is a short terms of costume play according to Wikipedia. But just by looking at the participants which called as Cosplayer, people can conclude that Cosplay is about playing a role of a character from anime, manga, video games and more.
(Cosplayers at Hobbycon 2013)

(Cosplayers at Hobbycon 2013)

Cosplay events are usually being hold at some anime, manga and video games conventions (Or Japanese Culture Events). Some example of the conventions are AFA Anime Festival Asia, Hobbycon (Hobbycon is being hold in Sabah, Malaysia.), Comic-Con , Comicfiesta and many more(Can Google for more). "-Con" stand for Convention.

Cosplay helps to improve the cosplayers skills especially in craftsmanship and make-up skills and more. This is because cosplay requires the cosplayers to make their own costumes and any important equipments so they can be more resembles to the character they are playing. But some of them buy the costumes from online shop and any cosplay store nearby.

Cosplay also requires the cosplayers to Role-play the characters. Usually by copying the characters habits, personality or more.

 (Hobbycon 2013 in Sabah)
 (Hobbycon 2013 in Sabah)
 (AFA in Jakarta)
 (AFA in Jakarta)
(Miku Covention (I forgot the name OTL) in Jakarta)

So above are the pictures of me going to Hobbycon in Sabah and my friends from Jakarta going for the conventions there. (Pictures of HobbyCon above are credit to me while the AFA Jakarta and Miku Covention pictures are credit to my friend Tono(nickname) from Jakarta.)


(A video of HobbyCon 2013 from YouTube , Credit to owner)
I am not that knowledgeable in this but I am pretty interested in Cosplay as the cosplayers are usually very attractive and beautiful. Still I respect how the cosplayers usually respect other cosplayers works regardless the weakness. It is something that we human sometimes lack of especially in today young generations. (Okay that's all LOL suddenly my topic was almost changed. But anyway I hope readers will know a little bit of Cosplay.)


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